Sunday, November 29, 2009

Type I Error.

I slept on it. And I'm not done with James River. Not yet.

I don't know why, but I feel I'm still supposed to be there. I won't leave as long as that's true.

Also, though I believe that some parts of the culture have been taken into the faith in an unhealthy way, the truth is that some of the "crazier," and more "conservative" beliefs I have taken on are not a function of an isolated view of the faith. Though I wish they were. I picked them up so easily not because I'm becoming brainwashed, but because I've always believed them, in some small part, but had been unwilling to deal with them. I didn't have a framework for them, though I knew them to be true. Now, I have the framework, and can place those beliefs appropriately, and with logic.

Issues of culture still have to be dealt with, and done so honestly. But I think I can do that from within my growing circle of peers at James River. And I think having to do that will be a good lesson in humility. I could go find a bunch of people who agree with me (actually, that's doubtful), but where would be the growth? As Warren Smith pointed out, there there wouldn't be growth.

I've been wrong about a lot of things. I think I'd be wrong to give up all of what I'm gaining at James River. To pretend as though just because I'm becoming a little more conservative than I've ever been, that somehow invalidates the growth. I've tried to be very careful to ask for wisdom, and to use it when navigating the marsh between what I want, what I think, and what God wants for me. I didn't want to sink into the trap of thinking that every incident is a "sign," and thus, mistaking nothing for something (type I error!). I think that now is the time to cash in on a little bit of that, to trust that this is where I'm supposed to be. To remember that I didn't get here through wishful thinking, and "checking my brain" at the church door.

So, onward.

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