Monday, November 30, 2009

holy water.

There are bible verses on the walls of my shower, written in some substance impervious to both water and soap. This kind of thing comes as quite a shock at six in the morning. The shower at my old house had no such exhortations, no early-morning reminders of God's grace, and of His wrath. I rather enjoyed its silence on these matters. Or rather, I enjoy its silence in retrospect, in comparison. But who knew there was any comparison at all? Who knew that Christians scribble on their shower walls the verses of psalms? I certainly did not.


  1. Haha, that's awesome! I put up the verses in my shower that I am memorizing. I also have a friend who keeps an eyeliner in her shower just for that purpose (to write down verses or something that might come to mind). Why not? It's quiet, nobody else is's uninterrupted 20 minutes you are guareneed to have every day.

    I found your blog last night and have had a hard time pulling myself away from's so good! Maybe I'll see you around JRA one day (I'm "tour" girl, haha).

  2. Ah, tour girl, and the super-nice girl who called to help me sort out the DFL sweatshirt biz.

    Well.. thanks. I'm sure you notice that I haven't always been kind. Please have some mercy with me on that, and I'm sorry if anything I've said about JRA, or any of its membership (of which you are a part) has hurt you. I really am. I'm learning. Hopefully growing. My perspective is shifting, but that doesn't keep me from being a jerk now, nor does it change my past jerkiness.

    Thanks for the compliment of reading, and commenting!

  3. I'm glad I could help with the sweatshirt business...boy was that a job!

    I have enjoyed your blog so much and have not taken any offense from anything you have said. If anything, I have cringed about some of the experiences you have had with people. Your blog is refreshing and I have learned so much reading about your experience. I think Christians could learn a thing or two from this blog.

    Maybe we can get coffee before or after a service sometime. In fact, on Sundays I am here all morning...I go to 1st service, but I just hang out in The Loft during 2nd and 3rd, so you should come up sometime and we can meet (again)!

    Keep the blogging up! I know there are a few of us who really enjoy reading about your journey here.

  4. Thanks, I am always up for coffee.

    I will keep up the blogging, though in all honesty I think the challenge now is not to be self-conscious--to continue to write about what I really think and feel, while being mindful of a mixed audience--some very evangelical JRA-ers, and some very non-evangelical friends. When I first started writing this blog, I didn't have any audience at all, and I counted on that to say whatever I wanted. I'd like to keep that spirit of candidness. With some modifications for kindness. Then again, I think that God will take over some of that latter transformation.

    Again, thanks for reading. We should in fact get coffee some time.
