Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christian hotties.

This is overkill on the posts for today, but necessary information.

Through a complete fluke, I ended up at a bible study tonight. I know. A bible study on a Saturday night. How the mighty have fallen. I was going mainly to give a ride to a friend who actually wanted to be there. And I didn't have anything to do. So, bible study it was.

But then... it turned out to be the awesomest bible study ever. For two reasons. Firstly, it was kind of an academic study, exploring rabbinic perspectives on the Old Testament. Ka-ching. Secondly, it was kind of an academic study, exploring perspectives on the Old Testament. Now, I don't know much about the Old Testament. And for that reason, I found myself on this gorgeous leather couch in a well-decorated bachelor pad, completely dazzled by the knowledge being displayed in front of me. And I knew right away that this was Part I of the answer to my prayer from a few days ago. Arrogant? Not for long, in that bunch.

I aspire to that kind of knowledge, and it might be true that I already know a bit more than what they're giving in New Life. But, I think I can stand to humble myself and go to New Life anyway.

Also, a guy whose name I can't remember and I did pretty respectably in a game of foosball.

On that note, these Christian guys are complete hotties. I use the word hottie here not to connote "someone I'd like to date," nor to suggest anything of their physical attributes, but to point out that they are highly eligible. On the secular side, my friends will complain about how there are no young, single, nice, smart guys to date. Guess what, ladies? They're all in the church! And they are babes. Sweet, incredibly intelligent, respectful, great with kids, caring,'s ridiculous. One of them was reading from the OT entirely in Hebrew tonight, and it was the sexiest thing I've ever seen.

On an entirely unrelated note-- I'm being baptized tomorrow. I'm scared. Of what, I don't know. But I'd be lying if I omitted that truth.

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