Saturday, October 16, 2010

prayer promise.

Do you think it's possible to have a prayer "confirmed"?

I was in prayer a couple of days ago, asking for something for a friend of mine, something huge and kind of non-specific, but very, very important for this person. And suddenly, it was as though God said "Yes, I'll do that." I was a little surprised. Did my subconscious just make that up? Did God Himself really tell me that He'd answer this huge prayer? What just happened?

The moment was so clear, and so incredibly precise. I definitely felt the "yes." But does God do that kind of thing? I mean, this was a whopper of a prayer. It covered the whole of my friend's life, from this day til the last. It branched out across the person's life. Big prayer.

Yet, there was a "yes." There was a definite moment wherein God seemed to tell me that He had heard the prayer, and had every intention of taking care of it. I could be crazy, but it felt like a promise to my heart. As though God were telling me that He would do as I asked in protecting this person.

I'm not sure what that means. I guess we'll see.

My prayer life has been getting funky fresh recently. I find myself called to pray at strange hours, and in strange ways. I feel directives--turn off the music, flip to this passage, get on your knees, go pray again. I might be losing it. This could be the final descent to insanity.

Then again, when I finally get there, I'll be all prayed up. Bonus.

But seriously--God is doing funny things in my prayers. Weird prayers are being answered--and others confirmed. Last week, I was given this whacked-out passage--at least the implications are whacked-out. I'm praying with friends. It's all a little jumbled up. A little out of the usual.

Praying I'm not crazy.

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