Monday, October 5, 2009

Completely and forever...

The truth is that I feel broken.

I'm not broken. I'm whole. My life is in order, mostly. At least, I'm not broken in the way that I once was--because of things long past. All of those things have been dealt with, and learned from, and grown through.

This is a spiritual brokenness.

I'm exhausted. I feel alone, and isolated from both Christians and non-Christians alike.

I wrote a few weeks ago, that in order to hold an autonomous faith, I have to live with the fact that every day when I leave my house, something could come through that might completely change my faith forever. That has happened. Not for the first time, I'm sure not for the last. But now I'm trying to pick up the pieces.

Everything has shifted. I have a new view. I don't know what any of it means. I don't know how to fix any of it.


  1. Hey, there. You ok? Didn't get to talk much at the conference. Call or email me if you want to chat. :)

  2. Kristen,

    Hey, yes, I am entirely ok, thank you. I just realized how bleak that last entry sounded. Just have a lot to think about and figure out. Totally enjoyed lunch last week! Thanks so much!

