Sunday, December 13, 2009

Extreme confusion: Future edition.

I'm starting to get this funny feeling that I'm not leaving Springfield any time soon.

The deal was 2 years. At this point, if all goes well with my program, I should graduate with my Master's and be moving along in 18 months.

So why do I feel funny about that? I just feeling rootless in general, because I'm not sure what's coming next? Ph.D. in psychology? Work field, part deux? Should I make a run on the div school at U of C? Yeah right, as if. Those people are brilliant. I'm something closer to mildly intelligent.

I just bawled through an entire episode of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. I usually don't watch television, but my roommate is gone now, and I'm feeling lonely. But anyway, as I watched, I kept thinking... what do I do to help? Well, that depends on what He has called me to. But I have no idea. I have no stand-out skills. I don't really think that tutoring some kids in psychology, or giving flute lessons are really callings.

What are my gifts? I refuse to believe that I don't have any. It defies logic that God would have such love for me, but not endow me with gifts, or purpose. So, I must have gifts, and purpose. Right. What are they?

I read. I walk around my apartment, arguing with the imaginary Francis Shaeffer who lives with me, sometimes out loud. I write. I marvel at Christian culture. I say inflammatory things in groups of Christians. I talk about God with people a lot. I spend a lot of time praying for wisdom. I like to visit churches and find out what makes them tick. I watch romantic comedies. And I cook, and read Real Simple like it's my job. Oh yeah, I do my job, which is to consult people on research design and statistics. I love to socialize. I've been told that I'm kind of funny--though that humor is not so well-received down here.

Hmm... That is not a cohesive skill set.

Law school?

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