Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Last week I was holding. This week, I think I might be drowning.

I'll be honest.

I'm not living this faith very well. I need help. I need guidance, and encouragement, and wisdom. I need for someone who is older and wiser to come alongside with me, and offer advice, and pray with and for me. Because I feel like I have absolutely no clue how to stay afloat at this stage in my faith.

I don't know what to do with my life. Some doors seem to be opening in great ways. Others seem to be opening, but I sense I shouldn't walk through them. Some I really wish would open, but they won't budge.

I'm afraid that I'm now too young in faith for the wisdom, and the courage I need to make it gracefully through this time. There are so many decisions in front of me right now, and so many that are seemingly life-defining.

I need help.

1 comment:

  1. Ash, I want to give you a three-step list of where to go from here. Except there isn't one. Glad I could help!

    No, but seriously. This has nothing to do with your "age of faith." This is a place that we all find ourselves in, over and over again on this journey. And I'm sorry to say that it's not always crystal clear as to where we should go. And don't worry about being graceful through this process. Coming out of it battered and torn makes us stronger.

    I'd like to pass on some advice/wisdom that I have been given in times like these.

    When there are many paths, doorways, and opportunities in front on you, and you don't know which to take, have courage that our God is big enough to guide you along. If you've prayed about each opportunity and one isn't jumping out at you, there are a couple things you can do.
    1. Wait. Sometimes God asks us to wait and see what He brings along and know that He will do it at the perfect moment. Is making a decision this moment going to make a world of difference, or could you wait 24 hours and then make a decision?
    2. Go. Step out. In faith. If you step wrong, know that God will shut that door or path as you seek Him.

    Read Psalm 121, especially verse 3. Jeremiah 29:11.

    I'm praying for you that God would give you a peace about the decisions that lie ahead of you. I'm praying that His Yes would be Yes and His No would be No and it would be SO evident for you. Keep going - don't give up.

