Monday, September 12, 2011

dead words to the Living Word

I've been thinking more about words. Specifically, about words in the Christian blogosphere (/twitterscape). I've come to this:

If my words don't inspire you to seek The Word--then they are poor words. Empty words. They've got nothing for you. If my words don't turn you to Christ, they're dead words.

Obviously, there are a great many words and many great ideas that turn us to Christ, and what spins you might leave me standing still. do we decide which words to speak, and which to leave?

I'm not sure.

I do think this issue is tied into holiness. A person who writes, or speaks of God is one who does something a little dangerous. If what you say, or write, doesn't come from wisdom, from prayer, or truth--you're opening yourself to some pretty heavy stuff. Because words are not idle. The words of a believer especially. There's plenty in the Bible to commend the practice of watching one's tongue. God cares about what we say, and now, what we blog, what we tweet.

Because His work is "to believe in the one he sent." And in believing, we understand. And in understanding, we love. In loving, we share. We share words. But what are the words if they don't start and end in belief?

So back to the start. If my words don't inspire you to seek The Word--they are in fact poor words, dead words.

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